Sir/Madam/Brother/iTamu Undangan -
O my Most Merciful God, grant this couple always happiness, health, remaining united and never separated, long life and living in a home full of joy with all their descendants.Rg Veda X.85.42.
Om Swastyastu
For the blessings of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa/Almighty God
We intend to invite you to our wedding receptionI Made Wira AdnyanaSon of the couple
I Made Terima & Ni Made Dewi Adnyani
Br. Nungnung Anyar, Ds. Pelaga, Kec.Petang, Kab. BadungDiah Tri Droyanthi DewiThe couple's daughter
I Wayan M. Dana Adnyana & Ni Nyoman Swari
Jl. Gadung No 18 Lembeng Ketewel, Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali -
ReceptionDay/date: Friday, May 17 2024
Time: 13.00 - END
Full address: Br. Nungnung Anyar, Ds. Pelaga, Kec. Petang, Kab. Badung00Hari00Jam00Menit00Detik -
The track record of our love story will always be engraved in our hearts
Our Memories
Our Memories
Send greetings to the bride and groom
and confirm attendance -
It is a pleasure for us to have you present to give us your blessingOm Shanti,Shanti,Shanti OmWira & Diah