AArmandoAnitaADearTamu Undangan
Your are cordially invited to celebrate the marriage of Armando & Anita
Armando KosimParents' names
Hamid Kosim & Astrid WirantiGroomThe -
BrideTheAnita Riani JarkasihParents' names
Jaini Jarkasih & Sariyah -
"And of his signs is that he weated for you from yourself mates that you may find tranquility in them and he placed between you affection and mercy indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought"Ar-Rum : 21
Our Memories
Galeri Foto Mempelai
ReceptionSunday16July 2023Hours : 7 PM - 9 PMComplete address : Hotel Aston Kartika Grogol, West Jakarta
Dress Code : White / Pink / Black00Hari00Jam00Menit00Detik -
Aston Kartika GrogolDirections to the location
Kirim ucapan untuk mempelai
dan konfirmasi kehadiran -
The track record of our love story will always be engraved in our hearts
Protokol KesehatanGiven the current pandemic conditions, we urge you to continue to pay attention to health protocols in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.Wear
HandDistanceCheck Temperature -
We would like to thank you for sharing in our wedding celebration. We are grateful for your presence, warm wishes, and your generous gift. We look forward to our future together and to making more memories with you.Best RegardsArmando & Anita
16 Jul 2023
20:00 WIB
Hotel Aston Kartika Grogol