Elf City ยท Novo Amor - Colourway
AAbu BakarFaizahFKepada Yth;
Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/iTamu Undangan -
Dipl. -Ing. Armando Kosim, S.KomParents' names
Hamid Kosim & Astrid WirantiAnita Riani Jarkasih , SEParents' names
Jaini Jarkasih & Sariyah -
"And among His signs (greatness) is that He created partners for you from your own kind, so that you are inclined and feel at peace with him, and He made between you feelings of love and affection. Indeed, in that there is really signs (of Allah) for people who think."QS. Ar Rum verse 21
Photo gallery of the bride and groom
Photo gallery of the bride and groom
The track record of our love story will always be engraved in our hearts
Send a greeting to the bride and groom
and confirmation of attendance -
ReceptionDress Code : White / Pink / Black
Day/date : Sunday 16 July 2023
Hours: 19.00 WIB -21.00 WIB
Complete address : Hotel Aston Kartika Grogol, West Jakarta00Hari00Jam00Menit00Detik -
Aston Kartika GrogolPetunjuk Ke Lokasi
It is a joy for us for your presence to give blessing prayersSincerely invitingArmando & Anita
16 Jul 2023
20:00 WIB
Hotel Aston Kartika Grogol